Day 64. Labs From Tuesday

My M-spike is now at 1.6. Apparently it’s likely to fall a little bit from there (this far out from the chemotherapy I would have thought it would rise as new clones take up residence but I’m assured that’s not the way things usually go and nobody really understands why). Either way, that’s the lowest it’s ever been measured. The insurance blood work I had in 1991 showed total globulins of 5.6 and they’re now 4.0. I going to take that to mean my disease has been knocked back to what it was in the 1980s. Or earlier. Before I knew I had it, anyway.

Hemoglogin is now 11.4, which rise couldn’t be due to just one dose of EPO so I won’t be getting any more of that, either. The plan was to get as nearly drug-free as we could and that’s certainly what’s happening. Tomorrow I’m going to put myself on the work schedule for June.