Day Many

Labs yesterday show continued low tumor markers, many undetectable, and slightly improved renal function (Cr 2.03). PETT/CT scan next Monday will presumably confirm little activity. I’ve had nearly four weeks of likely viral bronchitis that just won’t go away, so the oncologist was quite amenable to stretching my dose interval on the Tecvayli to every other week, and halving the associated dexamethasone dose. We’re working on coordinating with Oregon Health Sciences University to get some doses up in Portland rather than having to fly back home quite so often. All in all a very good visit. The Dillon Cheese Incidents have an ADA section that is significantly less crowded than the rest of the venue, and there’s a mid-venue seating section for the Eugene show that’s also a bit more distanced than the usual mosh pit. My life’s not as narrow as the Covid lockdowns tried to make it, but I do need to be careful.